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The Biz Suxx (But We Don't Care)


1988, Hard Rock,Glam

.Party All Day Side / A1.The Biz Suxx / A2.££ Millionaire $$ / A3.Hooked / A4.(Na Na) Nukklear Rokket / A5.Wild Wild Honey / A6.Ring My Bell / .Party All Nite Side / B1.Hooligunz / B2.She'z No Angel / B3.O.K. U.K. / B4.Noo Sensation / B5.Stikky Fingerz

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Cotes vinyle The Biz Suxx (But We Don't Care) par Wrathchild

: les plus populaires - les plus anciens

Dernière mise à jour le 26/02/2025

Format 1 x LP,Album
Année 1988
Label FM/FM Revolver Records
Ref HMR LP 116/HMR LP 116


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