Gregory Alan Isakov
2009, Folk Rock,Acoustic
A1.Dandelion Wine / A2.Light Year / A3.That Moon Song / A4.Evelyn / A5.Virginia May / A6.Big Black Car / A7.Master & A Hound / B8.This Empty Northern Hemisphere / B9.Idaho / B10.Words / B11.Fire Escape / B12.If I Go, I'm Goin / B13.One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong
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Dernière mise à jour le 11/12/2024
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Format | 1 x LP,Album,Limited Edition |
Année | 2009 |
Label | Suitcase Town Music/Vinyl Collective/Suburban Home Records |
Ref | SH-156-1/SH-156-1/SH-156-1 |
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