Nova (2)
1989, Downtempo,Ambient
1.Bolero / 2.Song For Guy / 3.Once Upon A Time In The West / 4.Joy / 5.Asia Minor / 6.I'll Find My Way Home / 7.Aurora / 8.Africa / 9.Rondo Russo / 10.Bright Eyes / 11.Who Pays The Ferryman / 12.I Will Return / 13.Theme From Reilly / 14.La Colegiale / 15.I Hear You Now / 16.Mozart 40th / 17.Jig
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Dernière mise à jour le 03/01/2025
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Format | 1 x LP,Album |
Année | 1989 |
Label | Dino Music |
Ref | LP 2341 |
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