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A Hard Knight's Day


1989, Industrial

1.Danger Zone / 2.Fly, Nun, Fly / 3.Bucaresse / 4.C.B.B. (14%) / 5.Spectral Cats / 6.Play It Loud! / 7.The March / 8.Chilly (Willy And His Aerodynamic Kit) Bag (Thunderstorm Water Of The Hopes) / 9.Je, Tu, Il, Nous, Vous... / 10.R2D2 In The Desert / 11.Message From Sweden / 12.Bigoudi Polka (Hello, Vince!) / 13.Surprise Track / 14.Dog Or God / 15.The Larch / 16.More Credits? / 17.Lambeaux

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Dernière mise à jour le 10/02/2025

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Format 1 x LP,Album
Année 1989
Label Play It Again Sam Records
Ref SPV 08-6771


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