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Through A Big Country (Greatest Hits)

Big Country

1990, Pop Rock

1.Save Me / 2.In A Big Country / 3.Fields Of Fire / 4.Chance / 5.Wonderland / 6.Where The Rose Is Sown / 7.Just A Shadow / 8.Look Away / 9.King Of Emotion / 10.East Of Eden / 11.One Great Thing / 12.The Teacher / 13.Broken Hearts (Thirteen Valleys) / 14.Peace In Our Time / 15.Eiledon / 16.The Seer / 17.Harvest Home

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Dernière mise à jour le 10/03/2025

Format 1 x LP,Compilation
Année 1990
Label Mercury/Mercury
Ref STARL 5711/846.422-1


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