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Nyon Folk Festival 1979


1979, Folk

A1.Humpty Dump / A2.Chanson De L'adieu / A3.Hey Petite Fia / A3b.Intro / A4.The Star Of Munster / A5.The Eynsham Poacher / A5b.Intro / A6.Brillancy Medley / A6b.Intro / B1.Georgia / B2.Peace & Quiet / B3.La Danse Brune / B4.La Banqueroute / B4b.Intro / B5.La Moitié Du Monde / C1.Nickel Song / C2.Running After Love / C3.Thank You Mr. Stephen Stills / C4.Les Forces Du Mal / C5.The Waitress Song / C5b.Intro / C6.The Gypsy Laddie / C6b.Intro / D1.Dança Do Carimbo / D2.Grace Darling / D3.Pity The Poor Night Porter / D3b.Intro / D4.Raggle Taggle Gipsy / D5.Smeceno Horo / D5b.Intro

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Cotes vinyle Nyon Folk Festival 1979 par Various

: les plus populaires - les plus anciens

Dernière mise à jour le 29/10/2024

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Format 2 x LP,Album
Année 1979
Label Cat Music (2)/Cat Music (2)
Ref CAT 81004/CAT 81005


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