The Locust
1998, Grindcore,Hardcore
A1.Moth-Eaten Deer Head / A2.Brand New Set Of Teeth / A3.How To Build A Pessimistic Lie Detector / A4.Nice Tranquil Thumb In Your Mouth / A5.Dog Without A Collar (Run Over Red Rover) / A6.The Perils Of Believing In Round Squares / A7.Normal Run Of The Muck (Compensation For Conversation) / B1.Stucco Obelisks Labeled As Trees / B2.Straight From The Horses Mouth / B3.An Extra Piece Of Dead Meat / B4.Twenty-Three Full-Time Cowboys / B5.Backbones Of Jack Asses / B6.Fixed Companionship, Ghost Town Irrationality / B7.Skin Graft At Seventy-Five Miles Per Hour / B8.High-Maintenance Libido, Bring The Whole Family
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Dernière mise à jour le 05/12/2024
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Format | 1 x LP,45 RPM,Album |
Année | 1998 |
Label | Gold Standard Laboratories |
Ref | GSL 15 |
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