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Of Erthe And Axen Acts I & II


2017, Progressive Metal,Black Metal

1-1.Open The Gates, O Forest Keeper / 1-2.To Lost And Ancient Gardens / 1-3.To Higher Climes Where Few Might Stand / 1-4.To Souls Distant And Dreaming / 1-5.In Deep And Wooded Forests Of My Youth / 1-6.The Sound Of Hunger Rises / 1-7.The Sound Of A Glinting Blade / 1-8.The Sound Which Has No Name / 2-1.Reveal Your Shape, O Formless One / 2-2.Of Aching, Empty Pain / 2-3.Of Gods Bereft Of Grace / 2-4.Of Strength And The Lust For Power / 2-5.Walk With Me, O Winged Mother / 2-6.Through Caverns Old and Yawning / 2-7.Through Chains That Drag Us Downward / 2-8.Toward Truth and Reconciliation

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Cotes vinyle Of Erthe And Axen Acts I & II par Xanthochroid

: les plus populaires - les plus anciens

Dernière mise à jour le 04/01/2025

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Format 3 x LP,Album,Compilation,Limited Edition,Remastered
Année 2018
Label Erthe and Axen Records/Sofa King Vinyl
Ref none/SKV-1011


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