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Only Lovers Left Alive

Jozef Van Wissem

2014, Soundtrack,Score,Shoegaze,Psychedelic Rock

.Detroit / 1.Streets Of Detroit / 2.Funnel Of Love / 3.Sola Gratia (Part 1) / 4.The Taste Of Blood / 5.Diamond Star / 6.Please Feel Free To Piss In The Garden / 7.Spooky Action At A Distance / .Tangier / 8.Streets Of Tangier / 9.In Templum Dei / 10.Sola Gratia (Part 2) / 11.Our Hearts Condemn Us / 12.Hal / 13.Only Lovers Left Alive / 14.This Is Your Wilderness

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Dernière mise à jour le 12/01/2025

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Format 2 x LP,Album
Année 2014
Label ATP Recordings


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