2015, Avantgarde,Electro,Industrial,Funk,Dub,Experimental,Reggae,Leftfield,Hip Hop,Dance-pop,Post-Punk
1-1.Ace Of Wands / 1-2.Over Board / 1-3.Off The Beaten Track / 1-4.Chemical Specialist / 1-5.Asian Rebel / 1-6.Animal Space / 1-7. Parasitic Machine / 1-8.Quit The Body / 1-9.Stebeni's Theme / 1-10.Dead Come Alive / 1-11.When Tonight Is Over (US Thunder Mix) / 1-12.Loudspeaker (Alternate Version) / 1-13.Dee Jay's Program / 1-14.Now What? / 1-15.Move / 2-1.Dub Storm / 2-2.Stopping And Starting / 2-3.Latin Temperament / 2-4.The Wrong Name And The Wrong Number (Original Version) / 2-5.Kunta Kinte Dub / 2-6.Melody Dub / 2-7.Aiming At Your Heart Pt.2 / 2-8.Forty Winks / 2-9.Drilling Equipment / 2-10.Radial Drill / 2-11.Quicksand Beach Party / 2-12.77 Emerging Strips
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Dernière mise à jour le 16/02/2025
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Format | 3 x LP,Compilation |
Année | 2015 |
Label | On-U Sound |
Ref | ONULP129 |
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